
Micronutrients Research

Magnesium oxide augmentation of verapamil maintenance therapy in mania Micronutrients Research

Magnesium oxide augmentation of verapamil maintenance therapy in mania


The authors compared the antimanic effects of a verapamil-magnesium oxide (V-M) combination with a verapamil-placebo combination (V-P) in patients pretreated with verapamil. BPRS scores and serum magnesium levels were compared. The V-M combination was found to be significantly more effective than V-P in reducing manic symptoms (P=0.015). Serum magnesium levels were significantly higher in the V-M group (P<0.04). These data suggest that magnesium may increase antimanic efficacy of verapamil by mechanisms which may operate at the intracellular level. The magnesium-verapamil combination may have clinical application as an adjunct to verapamil in the maintenance therapy of mania.

Giannin AJ, Nakoneczie AM, Melemis SM, Ventresco J, Condon M:

Psychiatry Res 93(1):83-87, 2000 10699232


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